Thursday, July 28, 2005

the fruit (not the verbal...)

Here's Amit again, holding his instrument with just his neck - check out how comfortable that all looks :-)

Tacy has a pretty viola

Here's Tacy - She's moving to Lubbock - good luck on auditions!

Amit has a crazy good bowhold

Amit - One of my vla students

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Woah...Is the MCAT affecting your hair color...? (No, it's not)

DeRrR...I tHiNk i FoUnD a fRiEnD...

Derrr....where's special ed..?

Monday, July 25, 2005

The Coffee Corner

Kitty looks scared...

Mi Pinguino


Little Cow :-)


At the 59 (Apr?)

Carli's Birthday (Feb)

Beethoven Op. 59 #3 Quartet

Mom's making dumplings again...

Eating Fried Rice


Pagota & Log

Whole View

Sideways View